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Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Evelyne Sex : Woman Status : Single, without children Birthday : Unknown Area : Saint Jean |
A few words |
Jeune retraitée je ne m'ennuie pas!Heureuse de partager avec d'autres...et faire denouvelles connaissances
Un peu de philosophie...
"C'est une folie que de vouloir guerir lecorps sans vouloir guérir l'esprit"Platon
"Incarnez vous-même le changement auquel vous voulez que les autres aspirent"Gandhi
"Il est plus difficile de casser une croyance que de briser un atome "Einstein
"Ils ne sont grands que parce que nous sommes à genoux."Etienne de la Boétie
Work / Job Teacher - EducatorArtist I don't work | Languages I speak FrenchI speak Spanish | Daily life Generous - Altruistic |
Lifestyle / Ideology Ecology - BioBuy & Live local Openmind | Technology I have a smartphoneI have a Blog | I like a culture/food FrenchAsian - Indian Anglo-Saxon Turkish - Armenian Latin American Italian |
Sports HikingSliding sports | Physical Activities Stroll | Arts and Crafts Painting - Drawing |
Cultural Activities Museums - ExhibitionsTheater Art Literature - Books Cinema Music Jazzy Classical | Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioScience Politics History - Archaeology Paranormal - Magic | Cooking / Eating CookingPicnics I enjoy coffee I enjoy tea I enjoy wine |
Entertainment / Info TelevisionRadio - Press | Nature / Outdoors Sea - BeachMountain Gardening - Plants | Special Events Concert - FestivalFlea markets Conference - Debate |
Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endCamping Travel with a backpack Castles - Monuments |