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Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Joel Sex : Man Status : Single, without children Birthday : 31 May 1950 (74 ) Area : L´Isle-sur-la-Sorgue |
A few words |
Epicurien aimant voyages, voile, restaurant gastronomique en petit comité, cinéma, théâtre, concert, cuisine exotique, et surtout l'humour sous toutes ses formes, sans oublier l'autodérision bien sûr...!!! Il m'arrive de jouer du pipeau au clair de lune...!!! |
Work / Job I don't work | Languages I speak French | Daily life Generous - Altruistic |
Lifestyle / Ideology Homemade - HandmadeBuy & Live local Relax - Cool - Rest Epicurean - Carpe Diem Openmind Unexpected - Last minute | I like a culture/food FrenchAsian - Indian Latin American Belgian Italian | Sports Ping-pongWater sports |
Physical Activities Bike - ScooterSwimming | Games Card games - PokerBoard games Baseball - Boules - Bowls | Cultural Activities Museums - ExhibitionsArt Literature - Books Cinema Music Jazzy Classical |
Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioYoga - Meditation | Cooking / Eating CookingPicnics Brunchs I enjoy coffee I enjoy tea I enjoy wine | Entertainment / Info BoatsFunny Radio - Press |
Nature / Outdoors Sea - BeachGardening - Plants | Special Events BirthdayParty Concert - Festival Aperitif Fairs - Shows Flea markets Conference - Debate | Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endCamping Travel with a backpack Castles - Monuments |